Our Story
In the beginning - 2013
Every Thursday, from 10am-1pm, the Ten-2-One Artists, who first started painting together in 2013, gather at the Crescent Gallery to paint side-by-side and share their common bond… ART!
As the magical hours pass, we forget about everything else and let art consume us. There’s a buzz of conversation, sharing of knowledge, and lots of laughter. As the camaraderie grows, so does the number of artworks. We display our paintings & photography on the walls of the Crescent for several gallery shows a year. As good neighbors to the Thomaston Opera House, we open the Crescent Gallery for one hour before their show times. This gives their patrons a chance to visit, meet a couple of the artists, and check out the artwork on their way to the performances. Some of the Ten-2-One Artists also volunteer to help with set painting for the Opera House shows.
There is something very special happening here. We get together, do something we love, give back to the community and following our open studio session - we go to lunch and patronize a different local restaurant each week.
Artists Appreciation Luncheon - 2016
The Crescent Gallery - 158 Main Street, Thomaston, CT