Nancy Gray Fischer
I am a painter of New England landscape and personal still lives. The subject matter is the world that directly surrounds me. I'd like the effect of combining strong color and subtle mood. Watercolor has been my primary medium for more than twenty years, but I have recently returned to working in oil and acrylic. These additional mediums have brought new awareness of color and depth to my painting.
I am basically a self-taught artist, whose style has maintained a distinctly recognizable hand, but I have evolved as a painter with the help of several well known artists. I have studied with Jack Flynn, done workshops with Frank Webb, Skip Lawrence, and Don Stone. Attending Stones weeklong workshop on Mohegan Island, Maine for many years, has provided much marvelous source material for my marine paintings.
I am a member of the Connecticut Watercolor Society, an elected member of the Kent Art Association, and several other art organizations.
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